
Showing posts from May, 2018

DU - MA / Msc / LLM Entrance Exam (Delhi University PG Entrance Exam) : Previous Year Question Papers

HOME Examination :  The University of Delhi, informally known as Delhi University, is a collegiate public central university, located in New Delhi, India. It was founded in 1922 by an Act of the Central Legislative Assembly. Papers : Maths : DU MA/MSc Maths 2014 DU MA/MSc Maths 2015 DU MA/MSc Maths 2016 DU MA/MSc Maths 2017 Chemistry : DU MA/MSc Chemistry 2014 DU MA/MSc Chemistry 2015 DU MA/MSc Chemistry 2016 DU MA/MSc Chemistry 2017 Physics : DU MA/MSc Physics 2014 DU MA/MSc Physics 2015 DU MA/MSc Physics 2016 DU MA/MSc Physics 2017 Stats :  DU MA/MSc Stats 2014 DU MA/MSc Stats 2015 DU MA/MSc Stats 2016 DU MA/MSc Stats 2017 Operational Research : 2013 2014 and 2015 2017 Botany : 2014 2015 M.S.C./M.A. Electronics MSc/MA paper M. Com. Paper MSc Zoology paper Ma  M.A. linguistics 2017 Msc  fabric and appraisal science 2017 Msc food and nutrition 2017 Msc human development and childhood ...

GCET (Goa Common Entrance Test) : Previous Year Question Papers

HOME Examination :  Goa Common Entrance Test (Goa CET) exam is conducted by the Directorate of Technical Education, Goa State (DTE Goa) for admissions to first year of professional degree courses like Engineering, Pharmacy, Nursing and other allied courses which include BPT, BOT, BOpt, BScMIT, BScAT, BSc Nursing, offered by colleges located in Goa. Papers : Chemistry Paper 1 Chemistry Paper 2 Chemistry Paper 3 Chemistry Paper 4 Maths Paper 1 Maths Paper 2 Maths Paper 3 Maths Paper 4 Physics Paper 1 Physics Paper 2 Physics Paper 3 Physics Paper 4 Note : We request you. Please provide the solutions of the questions in the comment. Your one submission can help to many other students.   Follow us 

XAT (Xavier Aptitude Test) : Previous Year Question Papers

HOME Examination :  XAT or Xavier Aptitude Test is a national level MBA entrance exam conducted by XLRI Jamshedpur for the admission to post graduate management programmes at over 150 B-schools across India. It is a computer-based test consisting of both objective and subjective type questions held in the first Sunday of January every year. Papers : XAT 2010 XAT 2011 XAT 2012 XAT 2013 XAT 2014 XAT 2015 Note : We request you. Please provide the solutions of the questions in the comment. Your one submission can help to many other students.   Follow us 

RMO (Regional Mathematical Olympiad) : Previous Year Question Papers

HOME Examination :  Image result for The Regional Mathematical Olympiad (RMO), preceded by the all-India pre-RMO or PRMO, is the first step towards representing India at the global platform for 'mathletes', the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO). The RMO is a three-hour written test with six or seven problems. Papers : RMO 2000 RMO 2001 RMO 2002 RMO 2003 RMO 2004 RMO 2005 RMO 2006 RMO 2007 RMO 2008 RMO 2009 RMO 2010 RMO 2011 RMO 2012 - Paper 1 RMO 2012 - Paper 2 RMO 2012 - Paper 3 RMO 2012 - Paper 4 RMO 2013 - Paper 1 RMO 2013 - Paper 1 RMO 2013 - Paper 2 RMO 2013 - Paper 3 RMO 2013 - Paper 4 RMO 2013 - Paper 5 RMO 2014 Note : We request you. Please provide the solutions of the questions in the comment. Your one submission can help to many other students.   Follow us 

NPCIL (Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited) : Previous Year Question Papers

HOME Examination :  The Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited is a government-owned corporation of India based in Mumbai in the state of Maharashtra. Papers : Civil paper Computer Science paper Electrical paper Electronics paper Instrumentation paper Mechanical paper Metallurgical paper Note : We request you. Please provide the solutions of the questions in the comment. Your one submission can help to many other students.   Follow us 

MPSC (Maharashtra Public Service Commission) : Previous Year Question Papers

HOME Examination :  MPCS is a multidisciplinary partnership firm founded in Ahmedabad. We offer a wide range of services including Accounting, Tax and Regulatory, business consulting, technology solutions Business and Transaction Advisory and Corporate Law, as a single window services. Papers : Assistant Engineer Assistant Motor Vehicle Inspector Assistant Section Officer Clerk-Typist Posts Engineering Civil Services TAX Assistant Technical Assistant Note : We request you. Please provide the solutions of the questions in the comment. Your one submission can help to many other students.   Follow us 

MP Vyapam (Professional Examination Board) : Previous Year Question Papers

HOME Examination :  The Professional Examination Board (PEB) is a self-financed, autonomous incorporated body of State Government of Madhya Pradesh. The board was initially set-up as Pre Medical Test Board by Government of Madhya Pradesh in the year 1970. Later, in the year 1981, Pre Engineering Board was constituted. Papers : 2013 2014 2015 Others Note : We request you. Please provide the solutions of the questions in the comment. Your one submission can help to many other students.   Follow us 

MAT (Management Aptitude Test) : Previous Year Question Papers

HOME Examination :  Management Aptitude Test is a standard aptitude test conducted in India since 1998 by the All India Management Association. Papers : MAT 2001 MAT 2002 MAT 2003 MAT 2004 MAT 2005 MAT 2006 MAT 2007 MAT 2008 MAT 2009 MAT 2010 MAT 2011 MAT 2012 MAT 2013 - 1 MAT 2013 - 2 MAT 2013 - 3 MAT 2014 Note : We request you. Please provide the solutions of the questions in the comment. Your one submission can help to many other students.   Follow us 

LEET (Lateral Entry Entrance Test) : Previous Year Question Papers

HOME Examination :  Panjab University Lateral Entry Entrance Test 2018. ... Panjab University conducts Lateral Entry Entrance Test (PULEET) for admissions to the 4 year Bachelors of Engineering programme offered at the University campus in Chandigarh. Papers : PU LEET 2011 PU LEET 2012 PU LEET 2013 PU LEET 2015 PU LEET 2016 Note : We request you. Please provide the solutions of the questions in the comment. Your one submission can help to many other students.   Follow us 

KVPY (Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana) : Previous Year Question Papers

HOME Examination :  Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana is a scholarship program funded by the Department of Science and Technology of the Government of India, aimed at encouraging students to take up research careers in the areas of basic sciences. Papers : Stream SA 2010-2016 Stream SB SX 2009-2015 Note : We request you. Please provide the solutions of the questions in the comment. Your one submission can help to many other students.   Follow us 

KSET (Karnataka State Eligibility Test) : Previous Year Question Papers

HOME Examination :  The Karnataka State Eligibility Test (KSET) Center, University of Mysore, Mysore is a Nodal Agency recognized by the UGC, New Delhi for conducting the Karnataka State Eligibility Test (KSET) for lectureship/Assistant Professor. Papers : Paper 1 Paper 2 Paper 3 Note : We request you. Please provide the solutions of the questions in the comment. Your one submission can help to many other students.   Follow us 

KCET (Karnataka Common Entrance Test) : Previous Year Question Papers

HOME Examination :  As per the official brochure of KCET, candidates can get admission in courses like “Medical, Dental, Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, Unani, Naturopathy & Yoga, Engineering, Technology, Architecture, Farm Science courses i.e. BSc (Agriculture), BSc (Sericulture), BSc (Horticulture), BSc (Forestry), BSc Agri Bio Tech, BHSc. Papers : Physics Chemistry Maths Biology Note : We request you. Please provide the solutions of the questions in the comment. Your one submission can help to many other students.   Follow us 

Jail Prahari : Previous Year Question Papers

HOME Examination :  The Rajasthan Prisons Department serves the State by keeping in safe custody the persons forwarded to prisons of state. The prisoners are kept in safe, humane, cost-efficient, and adequately secure and supervised environment of prisons and provide work and other self-improvement opportunities to assist offenders in becoming law-abiding citizens. Papers : Jail Prahari 2013 Jail Prahari 2014 Jail Prahari 2015 Note : We request you. Please provide the solutions of the questions in the comment. Your one submission can help to many other students.   Follow us 

ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation) : Previous Year Question Papers

HOME Examination :  The Indian Space Research Organisation is the space agency of the Government of India headquartered in the city of Bangalore. Papers : ISRO Draughtsman ICRB Driver Junior Personal Assistant Scientist_Engineer - 'SC' Computer Science Electronics and Communication Mechanical Note : We request you. Please provide the solutions of the questions in the comment. Your one submission can help to many other students.   Follow us 

IMO (International Mathematical Olympiad) : Previous Year Question Papers

HOME Examination :  The International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) is the World Championship Mathematics Competition for High School students and is held annually in a different country. The first IMO was held in 1959 in Romania, with 7 countries participatingx. Papers : Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Class 5 Class 6 Class 7 Class 9 Class 10 Class 11 Class 12 Note : We request you. Please provide the solutions of the questions in the comment. Your one submission can help to many other students.   Follow us 

IIT - JAM (Indian Institutes of Technology - Joint Admission Test) : Previous Year Question Papers

HOME Examination :  The Indian Institutes of Technology are autonomous public institutes of higher education, located in India. Papers : IIT 2014 IIT 2015 IIT 2016 Note : We request you. Please provide the solutions of the questions in the comment. Your one submission can help to many other students.   Follow us 

IIFT (Indian Institute of Foreign Trade) : Previous Year Question Papers

HOME Examination :  The Indian Institute of Foreign Trade is an autonomous public business school established in 1963 by the Government of India to help professionalize the country's foreign trade management. Papers : IIFT 2005 IIFT 2006 IIFT 2007 IIFT 2008 IIFT 2009 IIFT 2010 IIFT 2011 IIFT 2012 IIFT 2013 IIFT 2014 IIFT 2015 IIFT 2016 Note : We request you. Please provide the solutions of the questions in the comment. Your one submission can help to many other students.   Follow us 

IICD (Indian Institute of Crafts and Design) : Previous Year Question Papers

HOME Examination :  Indian Institute of Crafts & Design is an academic institution located in Jaipur, India offering undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in areas of Craft Design. Papers : PG UG Note : We request you. Please provide the solutions of the questions in the comment. Your one submission can help to many other students.   Follow us 

ICAR (Indian Council of Agricultural Research) : Previous Year Question Papers

HOME Examination :  The Indian Council of Agricultural Research is an autonomous body responsible for co-ordinating agricultural education and research in India. It reports to the Department of Agricultural Research and Education, Ministry of Agriculture. Papers : Genetics And Plant Breeding Horticulture \ JRF Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry Note : We request you. Please provide the solutions of the questions in the comment. Your one submission can help to many other students.   Follow us 

IBPS - PO (Institute of Banking Personnel Selection) : Previous Year Question Papers

HOME Examination :  The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection also known as IBPS, is a recruitment body that was started with an aim to encourage the recruitment and placement of young graduates in public sector banks in India. Papers : IBPS 2011 IBPS 2012 IBPS 2013 IBPS 2014 IBPS 2015 IBPS 2016 Note : We request you. Please provide the solutions of the questions in the comment. Your one submission can help to many other students.   Follow us 

IBPS - Clerk (Institute of Banking Personnel Selection) : Previous Year Question Papers

HOME Examination :  The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection also known as IBPS, is a recruitment body that was started with an aim to encourage the recruitment and placement of young graduates in public sector banks in India. Papers : IBPS 2011 IBPS 2012 IBPS 2013 IBPS 2015 IBPS 2016 Note : We request you. Please provide the solutions of the questions in the comment. Your one submission can help to many other students.   Follow us 

HSSC (Haryana Staff Selection Commission) : Previous Year Question Papers

HOME Examination :  Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC) invites applications for the recruitment of Constable & Sub Inspector vacancies. Papers : Haryana Police HSSC Clerk Mandi Supervisor Panchayat officer HSSC Mains Note : We request you. Please provide the solutions of the questions in the comment. Your one submission can help to many other students.   Follow us 

HPCET (Himachal Pradesh Common Entrance Test) : Previous Year Question Papers

HOME Examination :  Himachal Pradesh Technical University is a Government University in Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh, India, established in 2011. Papers : Biology 2011 Biology 2012 Biology 2013 Chemistry 2011 Chemistry 2012 Chemistry 2013 Maths 2011 Maths 2012 Maths 2013 Physics 2011 Physics 2012 Physics 2013 Note : We request you. Please provide the solutions of the questions in the comment. Your one submission can help to many other students.   Follow us 

GUJCET (Gujarat Common Entrance Test) : Previous Year Question Papers

HOME Examination :  Gujarat Engineering Admission specifies the admission procedure for the undergraduate engineering courses in the state of Gujarat. Candidates must note that admissions for the B. Tech. courses in the state will be through the scores and ranks of JEE Main. Papers : GUJCET 2015 GUJCET 2017 Note : We request you. Please provide the solutions of the questions in the comment. Your one submission can help to many other students.   Follow us 

GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering) : Previous Year Question Papers

HOME Examination :  The Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering is an examination that primarily tests the comprehensive understanding of various undergraduate subjects in engineering and science. Papers : Aerospace Engineering 2007-2016 Agricultural Engineering 2007-2016 Architecture and Planning 2007-2015 Biotechnology 2000-2016 Civil Engineering 2005-2017 Chemical Engineering 2007-2016 Computer Science 1991-2016 Electronics and Communication 1992-2017 Electrical Engineering 1992-2016 Mechanical Engineering 1994-2016 Note : We request you. Please provide the solutions of the questions in the comment. Your one submission can help to many other students.   Follow us 

FIITJEE - FTRE : Previous Year Question Papers

HOME Examination :  At FIITJEE, you will be under the guidance of the best faculty of the country who very well understand what academic inputs you need at this stage. Apt guidance will be provided for better time management to ensure maximum output. You will also be catered to questions similar to what comes in JEE on a daily basis. Moreover, top notch study material, periodic tests, quizzes & Test analysis sessions will prove to be a driving force towards achieving a top rank.  Papers : Class 5th Class 6th Class 7th Class 8th Class 9th - 1 Class 9th - 2 Class 10th - 1 Class 10th - 2 Class 11th - 1 Class 11th - 2 Note : We request you. Please provide the solutions of the questions in the comment. Your one submission can help to many other students.   Follow us 

EAMCET (AP - Engineering Agriculture Medical Common Entrance Test) : Previous Year Question Papers

HOME Examination :  Engineering, Agriculture & Medical (Pharmacy,Veterinary etc.,) Common Entrance Test (TS  EAMCET ) is conducted by Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad on behalf of TSCHE.This examination is the prerequisite for admission into various professional courses offered in University/ Private Colleges in AP. Papers : EAMCET 1991 EAMCET 1992 EAMCET 1993 EAMCET 1994 EAMCET 1995 EAMCET 1996 EAMCET 1997 EAMCET 1998 EAMCET 1999 EAMCET 2000 EAMCET 2001 EAMCET 2002 EAMCET 2003 EAMCET 2004 EAMCET 2005 EAMCET 2006 EAMCET 2007 EAMCET 2009 EAMCET 2010 EAMCET 2011 Note : We request you. Please provide the solutions of the questions in the comment. Your one submission can help to many other students.   Follow us